
November 2021 Astrowellness

Written by Stephanie Gailing | November 01, 2021
On November 4, we have a Scorpio New Moon, yet it’s not just your garden-variety one! That’s because shake-it-up Uranus opposes this lunation. Surprises may catch us off-guard and illicit a deep stirring of emotion. Instead of waiting for the out-of-the-blue to arrive, use this day to do something unexpected. Change up your routine, take a detour, look at things from a different angle. . . doing so may help you more clearly connect with what it is that you truly desire and find meaningful. Secrets may play a role as may the desire to wrest control—it is a Scorpio New Moon after all.
Come November 10, Mercury, the planet of the mind, joins with Mars, the planet of willpower, in an explosive combination that likely has us feeling really animated. We may find our thoughts really activated and ideas flowing through us at a lightning clip. Given these planets are in Scorpio, you may find things that reside below the surface to be fascinating. A pull to suss out secrets? Check. An affinity to solving mysteries? Check. A fascination with all things deep and desirous? Check, check, check. We may notice a greater proclivity for words to be used as weapons, both offensively and defensively.
Given that these two planets make a tense square to both Saturn and the Moon in Aquarius, it’s really important to watch what we say and share, lest an instinctual explosion of words could leave us with consequences we would rather avoid. Remember, once certain genies have left the bottle it’s hard to put them back in. 
Yet there’s a way to work with this alignment that can bring reward. Dig a bit deeper to explore facts that may be shrouded from view; all the while, see if you can find the words that allow you to better understand the feelings swirling in you. Do this inquiry as slowly and patiently as you can, knowing that what you discover will not just benefit you today but will provide you with important building blocks for your future.
November also features the beginning of Eclipse Season, with the first of two occurring on November 19 (December 4 ushers in the second one). The one this month is a Taurus Lunar Eclipse. This Full Moon, featuring the Sun in Scorpio and the Moon in Taurus, brings illumination across many spheres of life, including finances, sexuality, and intimacy. Security and safety may also feel like palpable themes as we find ourselves ruminating on the difference between thriving and surviving. Even if you feel yourself in the midst of a great sea change, with life-shifting awareness or events coming our way, things may still seem quite obscured (it’s an Eclipse, after all). Don’t push for premature clarity; have faith that more will arrive in the coming weeks.
Also remember that while an Eclipse occurs at a given moment, its energy sphere extends weeks before and after. As such, if you’re feeling things really stirring earlier this month, feeling the landscape changing in a significant yet still yet undecipherable way, you may be tuning into this energy.
Finally, on November 21, the Sun enters adventurous Sagittarius. The shift from Scorpio to Sagittarius Season often feels quite stark as we move from digging below to wanting to soar above. Our perspectives shifts from what’s underneath to what we can see from a perch up high. Travel, philosophical inquiries, the question of what truth is, and an interest in cross-cultural movements may light us up and delight us.
Astro Highlights & Key Dates
November 4: Scorpio New Moon
November 10:  Mercury/Mars Conjunction Square Saturn/Moon
November 19: Taurus Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon)
November 21: Sun enters Sagittarius