
Why We're Setting Unresolutions in 2023

Written by WellSet | December 30, 2022

Ah New Years resolutions, the ultimate pressure-cooker of goals. The very fact that we expect ourselves to make—and keep!—them creates the very sense of anxiety and overwhelm so many of us are trying to alleviate in our lives. According to this two-year study, 23% of people quit their resolution after just one week and less than 10% of New Year's resolutions are actually achieved. Even resolutions designed to benefit our wellbeing and mental health can prove self-defeating and when they're set with undertones of deprivation or are unattainable. That's why we're leaning into unresolutions this year at WellSet: positive intentions that nurture our mind, body and emotional health without being restrictive or punitive. By their very nature, unresolutions have no expiration date because they are rooted in self-care and self-love. You can't fail or break them because that would defeat their purpose. The simple act of acknowledging that you deserve to feel good is where the shift begins to takes place. We rounded up a few unresolutions from the WellSet team to inspire and encourage you not just on January 1, but everyday, as a human in progress: 

I will give myself grace and rest in moments of frustration and short-sightedness, remembering that life will manifest in its time, not mine. –Niki, Movement & Yoga Instructor

To rest when my body asks me for it. To feed my intuition and led it guide me. To allow space for quietness in my daily life for reflection and realignment. To work on the balance between deepening my commitments (and making them fewer) and allowing space for play and spontaneity. –Rosa, Digital Studio Director 

To spend less time ruminating on things that are out of my control and more time celebrating small wins and gifts that show up in my life that I didn't necessarily expect. –Katie, Head of Product & Member Experience

I used to obsess over my purpose as if I’m worthless without a big goal. This year I’m choosing presence over purpose. My purpose will be focusing on being present with the people in my life and the workshops I’m creating. –Jackie, EFT/Tapping Instructor

To choose joy. When I see life through my positive lens it helps my body feel better, my mind be calmer and therefore I have a healthier relationship with myself and others. I also want to connect with nature more often and be aware of the healing power it has. Whether it’s hugging a tree, going on a hike or swimming in the ocean it always reminds me of how we are all part of something bigger. –Paula, Marketing Manager

To spend time nourishing and building resilience in my nervous system, so that in each moment I can make decisions, speak, and act from a place of centeredness and authenticity instead of a place of reactivity or conditioning. This looks like breathwork, mindful walks in nature, reflective journaling, and lots of soundbaths
. –Katie, Chief Marketing Officer

Asking myself 
what do I want? so that I can make choices based on my values and live from a place of intentionality. Reframing each day as a baby step toward what I want replaces overwhelm with empowerment—and hope. –Elizabeth, Head of Content

To remember there is magic in the mess. That there is freedom in the acceptance of being perfectly imperfect. And that I can always begin again.
–Wendy, Yoga & Stretching Instructor