October feels like a month for the history books. Ok, that’s a bit dramatic but as there’s so much going on, approaching the month with a sense of mindfulness and ensuring you carve out time to take deep breaths, take a few steps back, and spend time tuning in to what you need amay be just what the astro doctors ordered.
Mercury is retrograde in Libra until October 18. For me, Mercury Retrograde is NOT BAD. Notably if we follow the flow of its invitation—not to push forward but to review and re-assess our communication and messaging—this is a period in which we can see things from a different perspective and then take what we discover, weave it together with what we already know (or think we know) and move forward with a greater level of holistic understanding when the messenger planet moves direct again. Also remember that prizes live in the past. Just as Mercury appears to be re-traversing its steps, so should we. It’s a great time to go back over things we’ve shared or are gathering, and discover any skipped steps. Additionally, though, looking to the past can be a wellspring of treasures. Need to solve a marketing problem? Call up your mentor you haven’t talked to in a while. Not confident that you know the best way to share something you’re feeling with your partner? Look to ways you’ve done it in the past (and succeeded!) and/or grab that book that’s been gathering dust on your shelf that used to be your go-to for situations just like this. Lastly, Mercury is retrograde in the sign of Libra and so our collective focus may be on communication in realms such as relationships, diplomacy, equality, justice, beauty, pleasure, and the feminine.
Speaking of planetary stations, we’ve got two more this month besides Mercury.
On October 10, Saturn stations retrograde. As this day approaches, inventory something to see if you have your ducks in a row, your t’s crossed and i’s dotted. Saturn rewards hard work and accountability so you may find yourself receiving its boons during this time if you’ve been paying attention to foundations and ensuring that what you’re working on has bones. If you’ve been cutting corners, that may become more apparent to you during this time. Less fun!
October 18 is another power center day, when both Mercury and Jupiter station direct. With Mercury in forward motion there may feel like there’s a barrage of information, emails, messages, and news that calls for our attention. Don’t get carried away in the swirl or let it make you anxious or nervous. Pre-arrange some slots on your calendar to take a walk, do some sun salutations, a bit of pranayama, or meditation…anything that can help keep your nervous system and mental energy from going into overdrive.
Jupiter represents expanse, and growth, and possibility. It carries with it an optimism and sense of largesse. It makes everything bigger. And so the energy may feel really big today: big moves, big statements, some of which you may believe and others may leave you wondering can that really be achieved? Watch for overpromises and not seeing limits where they truly do exist. That said, open to the stream of possibility and enjoy any half-glass-full inspiration that you receive around this time, seeing how you can weave it into horizons you want to set and journeys want to embark upon.
Two days later on October 20, we have the Aries Full Moon. Each year it has us trying to balance the I and the We and you may find yourself wanting to leap into action to champion a relationship, justice or beauty. This year, this feeling may be amped up a bit. That’s because the Mars/Pluto Square occurs just two days later (October 22) and ties this Full Moon. We may find ourselves more revved up and feeling as if things matter more than we perceived they would. There’s a deep resonance between this and the New Moon on October 6, when what you initiated then may come to further manifestation and illumination now.
The Sun enters Scorpio on October 21 and you may want to dive into things—secrets, the great mysteries, your subconscious, shadow, and what’s hidden. On the 30th, Mars enters this probing sign (in which he’s quite at home); and with that may find that we navigate the waters of life with more passion. We may notice ourselves and others moving a bit more stealthy, holding our cards a bit more close to our chest. And when we dedicate ourselves to something, we also have that extra bit of endurance and commitment to push ourselves in pursuit of it. And don’t be surprised if you feel the heat elevated—that inner heat of passion and lust that is—being moved by what moves us sexually and wanting to move in directions that do that may feel all the rage when Mars is in Scorpio.
Astro Highlights & Key Dates
September 27 - October 18: Mercury retrograde in Libra
October 6: Libra New Moon, Pluto Stations Direct
October 8: Sun/Mars Conjunction
October 10: Saturn Stations Direct
October 18: Mercury Stations Direct, Jupiter Stations Direct
October 20: Aries Full Moon
October 21: Sun enters Scorpio
October 22: Mars/Pluto Square
October 30: Mars enters Scorpio

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This article mentions: Spirituality